Emissão de 26 de Abril disponível em formato podcast.


Release Redemption All the good songs starts with Re, he says Revolution he prays Repetition Repetition Repetition Your piano, my addiction

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(Last Show - April 26th)

Matthew Cooper - Some Days Are Better Than Others - "Some Days Are Better Than Others"
Benjamin Dauer - Twenty Three and Twenty Six - "Six and Twelve"
Jon Hopkins - Immunity - "Abandon Window"
Carlos Cipa - All Your Life You Walk - "Step Out From Time"
Harold Budd - Jane 12-21 - "Jane 16 (For Pale Saints)"
Ben Lukas Boysen - Gravity - "Nocturne 2"
Bohren & Der Club of Gore - Piano Nights - "Im Rauch"
Xiu Xiu - Plays the Music of Twin Peaks - "Laura Palmer's Theme"
Iskra String Quartet - Iskra Remixes - "Blue Notebook (Minotaur Shock Remix)"
K. Leimer - The Pale Catalog - "Feint"
Eluvium - Pedals/Petals - "Pedals"

Poema | Poem by - Ana Freitas Reis
Fotografia | Photo by - Alípio Padilha
