Em Transe de 21 de Junho
Stream Rafael Anton Irisarri - Peripeteia - Yearn Loscil - Faults, Coasts, Lines - Coasts Alva Noto - Xerrox Vol.4 - Xerrox Canaux Gia Margaret - Mia Gargaret - INWIW Gia Margaret - Mia Gargaret - Apathy Noveller - Arrow - Effektology Noveller - Arrow - Canyons 36 - Revisionist History (Compilation Works) - Two Doors Zakè - Coppice Movements - Inundation Federico Durand - Alba - Comenzó a Nevar Bvdub - Ten Times the World Lied - Not Yours to Build TENGGER - Nomad - Flow "Guardar Link Como" - "Save Link As" Right Mouse Button Click For Save (Last Show June 21st) Poema | Poem by - Ana Freitas Reis (brevemente) Fotografia | Photo by - Alípio Padilha